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Syntax Quiz 

If you are feeling confident in your knowlodge about the creation, try taking the test below: â€‹



  1. What is the case and case use of “animus” in line 1? 

    1. Nominative, Predicate Nominative 

    2. Nominative, Subject 

    3. Genitive, Possession 

    4. Ablative, Ablative Absolute 

  2. What is the translation for the text within the parenthesis in line 2? 

    1. For you all transform these things 

    2. For them to have transformed these things 

    3. These things, having been transformed by them 

    4. Having transformed you all and these things 

  3. Who is Ovid addressing in the first stanza? 

    1. The readers 

    2. His past self 

    3. Phoebe 

    4. The gods 

  4. What is the metrical structure of line 4? 

    1. DDSD

    2. DDSS

    3. DSDS

    4. DSSD

  5. What is the case of “caelum” in line 5? 

    1. Nominative 

    2. Genitive 

    3. Dative 

    4. Accusative 

    5. Ablative â€‹

  6. What is the tense and number of “praebebat” in line 10? 

    1. Perfect, 2nd, singular 

    2. Imperfect, 2nd, singular 

    3. Imperfect, 3rd, plural 

    4. Imperfect, 3rd, singular 

  7. Wat is the case of "lucis" in line 17? 

    1. Nominative ​

    2. Genitive 

    3. Dative 

    4. Accusative 

    5. Ablative

  8. What is the poetic device used in the phrase “evolvit caecoque exemit… / emicuit summaque locum sibi fecit” in line 24-27? 

    1. Chiasmus 

    2. Alliteration 

    3. Personification 

    4. Hyperbole 

  9. What was the last natural element to be placed in the orb in line 31? 

    1. The heavens 

    2. The air 

    3. The earth 

    4. The water 

  10. What undergoes metamorphoses in the Creation? 

    1. The world 

    2. The disordered mass 

    3. Humanity 

    4. The heavens 





Answer Key: 


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